Tuesday, April 20, 2010


There are a lot of 'Superfoods' these days. Everywhere you go you hear about the wonders of Acai, Goji, Carob, Salba; it's a whole new language at the grocery store!

So what are these superfoods? Generally a superfood is a food that is high in nutrients. It tends to be something new to our culture, but common in another culture. I always approach these new foods with caution, it's not that I doubt the efficacy, but I do believe that everything is good in moderation and that includes superfoods. I also find that doing research on these superfoods is difficult because often the only information to be found is from companies marketing the food. These foods almost always claim to be anti-oxidants and anti-aging; I would recommend that eating a diet high in all fruit and vegetables increases energy levels and overall health , resulting in a fresher, younger outlook on life!

So here's the low-down on a few 'new' superfoods...
Acai - (Pronounced "ah-sigh-ee") is a purplish berry, smaller and less pulpy than a grape. The berry is known as a 'drupe'. It is from the Brazilian Amazon where it is a large part of the diet of the Amazon inhabitants. The Acai berry is very high in antioxidants, higher than blueberries, and antioxidants fight the break down of cells, which helps to prevent cancer. It is purported to be anti-aging and energy-boosting.
A Good Source of: anti-oxidants, dietary fiber, iron, potassium, calcium and Vitamin A
Add Acai to your diet by: adding the juice to smoothies, soaking the berries and adding them to muffins or breads, eating the berries dry

Goji - (Pronounced "go-gee") is native to Europe and Asia and is also known as the Wolfberry. It is a bright orange-red berry that has beens tudied extensively in China, because of it's use in Chinese medecine for centuries. According to Chinese medecine the Goji berry is a 'tonic' that helps ease suffering if you have chronic conditions such as, ringing in the ear, dizziness, visual degenration, headaches, insomnia, liver disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, to name a few. It is an anti-oxidant, anti-aging fruit and strengthens your immune system.
A Good Source of: Potassium, Iron, Selenium, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin C
Add Goji to your diet by: eating the berries like raisins, making a tea, soaking the berries and adding them to muffins or breads.

Carob - (Pronouced "car-rub") has been used for centuries; the term "carat" comes from using a carob seed to measure diamonds. a one carat diamond is the equal in size to a carob as a measurement of weight equal to one carob seed. Carob is known as a chocolate substitute because it is free of caffeine and oxalic acid, but still has a chocolatey flavour. It also does not need additional sweetening (like cocoa), becasue carob is naturally sweet. You can find carob flour and carob chips to add to your food, it is also usually raw, so it is good for a raw foods diet.
A Good Source of: Fiber, Vitamin A, B2, B3, B6, Calcium, Magnesium. postassium, zinc and selenium
Add Carob to your diet by: Making my Carob Muffins! (recipe here!)

- (Pronounced "Sal-ba") is the branded name for the Chia seed. You know! CH-CH-CH-Chia! The Chia pet is the result of sprouting chia seeds, but you can eat shia seeds, Salba, before they are sprouted. These tiny seeds are similar to flax seeds; they are an amazing source of essential fatty acids, they can be used as a substitute for eggs in baking and they are great for regularity. Like flax seeds, if you put salba seeds in a glass of water and let them sit, they will form a gelatinous coating. This is great because in your body they absorb all of the bad things and help move them out of your body. This is fiber at it's best.
A Good Source of: dietary fiber, Omega 3, Copper, Magnesium, Managnese & Phosphorus
Add Chia to your diet by: adding ground chia to a smoothie, sprinkling the seeds over cereal, ora dding them to baked goods.