Sunday, March 14, 2010

Go Green This St. Pat's!

St. Patrick's Day is on it's way and in the spirit of the 'Green, I'd like to tell you about dark green vegetables!

Visit my blog for my Sham*Rock* Smoothie recipe!

Dark green vegetables are in the superfood category. They are high in nutrients, are known to fight cancer. They protect the heart and bones and prevent birth defects. A great way to get more greens is to add them to tomato sauce, salads, soups or into a stir fry. Studies show that eating 3 or more servings of dark green vegetables a day have been shown to slow the mental decline associated with aging by 40%

Dark greens are a great source of many vitamins and minerals, here are the big ones...
Vitamin A - this nutrient protects against cancer, colds, flu, helps form strong bones and teeth and lowers cholesterol levels
Vitamin C - This enhances the immune system, protecting the body from infection, and produces anti-stress hormones.
Vitamin K - Essential for bone formation and repair, Vitamin K helps to prevent osteoporosis
Calcium - We all know how important Calcium is for strong bones and teeth. IT also lowers blood pressure and supports a healthy nervous system
Iron - The red blood cells produced by iron carries oxygen throughout the body providing energy and strong immunity
Folate - Truly brain food, folate is essential for pregnant women. It is needed for energy and red blood cell formation and prevents depression and anxiety

One serving of dark green vegetables is 1/2 C cooked or 1 C raw

Some of my favourite dark green vegetables are Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard, Broccoli and Romaine Lettuce. Look up recipes on the net for some interesting ways to serve it up!

If you have a hard time getting your kids to eat greens, don't give up. Try and have it on the menu frequently. Becoming familiar with these vegetables will ensure your child will be happy eating them later, even if for a little while it gets pushed around the plate. Remember that you need to eat them too!